Tuesday, January 30, 2024

How We Got to Now by Steven Johnson *****

 How We Got to Now: by Steven Johnson a history of technology and innovations The author’s twist on this well-trodden topic is to identify unexpected connections. For example, the Gutenberg printing press led to Galileo’s telescope. How? The printing press increased the interest in glass lenses because the newly literate Europeans discovered they were farsighted. The improved lens technology cleared the way for telescopes and microscopes. The author’s topics are glass, cold, sound, clean, time, and light. A well-written history of inventions and inventors.

Some of the people sketched:

The glassmakers of Murano, Venice, Italy.

Gutenberg and the printing press.

Galileo twice. The telescope and the pendulum for timekeeping.

Fredric Tudor and the international ice trade.

Carrier and air conditioning.

Semmelweis and hand washing.

John Snow and epidemiology.

John L. Leal and chlorinated water.

Aaron Dennison and the mass-market pocket watch.

William F. Allen and time zones.


Ada Lovelace and computers.

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