Monday, August 3, 2020

Seeing a Large Cat by Elizabeth Peters (Barbara Mertz Ph.D.) ***

Seeing a Large Cat (#9) is a mystery set in 1903 Egypt. The mystery involves an undiscovered burial chamber which contains a mummy who turns out to be Colonel Bellingham’s missing wife—presumed to be murdered by the man who kidnapped her, Dutton Scudder. The mystery is a small part of the story which centers on the assorted romances. The author has a Ph.D. in Egyptian Archeology and it shows.

The narrator (Amelia Peabody Emerson) is smitten with her archeologist husband. She often sounds like a teenager with a crush describing his physical, intellectual, and social traits. Their son (Walter Peabody “Ramses” Emerson) and adopted daughter (Nefret Emerson) can’t decide whether they are going to fall in love or not, but the adults expect they will eventually. Donald and Enid Fraser are going through a rough patch. He has compensated by falling in love with the ancient Egyptian princess Tasherit summoned by Mrs. Whitney-Jones. The marriage is saved with a clever twist. Mr. Cyrus Vandergelt eventually marries Mrs. Whitney Jones.

Series should probably be read in order.

A historical romance set in 1903 Egypt with a murder.

Check out for book recommendations. 

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