Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Glass Houses by Louise Penny ****

Glass Houses by Penny Louise is Chief Inspector Gamache #13 set in Three Pines, a small town in Quebec. Armand Gamache is Chief Superintendent of the Sûreté. The plot is about fooling the drug cartels into believing the Sûreté is incompetent and thus trapping them. There is also a murder from fifteen years ago. The simplicity of the main plot is counterbalanced by a narrative that ping-pongs between two timelines, seemingly at random. Not my favorite of this series.

The book includes some interesting history of bootlegging during prohibition in the United States.

A cobrabor is a tradition that states back to fourteenth-century Spain. Originally the cobrador dressed in black robes and followed someone to embarrass them for bad behavior. They were a conscience of sorts. Not surprisingly, the cobradors were often murdered. More recently, the cobradors wore fancy dress and carried a briefcase labeled debt collector to embarrass someone to pay their debts.

A mystery that revolves around drug cartels unbelievably centering their activities in Three Pines.

Check out for book recommendations. 

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