Monday, February 24, 2025

A Sorceress Comes to Call by T. Kingfisher ****

A Sorceress Comes to Call by T. KingfisherCordelia tells her story of breaking away from her evil sorceress mother Evangeline. The unhappy family lives in Little Haws. Cordelia’s only friends are their horse, Falada, and a neighbor girl, Ellen. Evangeline’s hope for Cordelia is for Cordelia to marry a rich man, but first, she needs money to fund Cordelia’s coming out and her season in London. As Evangeline points out, “The problem with being rich is that you simply have no idea how expensive it is to be poor.” To that end, they leave Little Haws so Evangeline can enchant and marry Squire Samuel. His sister, Hester, foresees problems and refers to Evangeline as Doom.

Cordelia does her best not to upset her mother because when she does, Evangeline makes her obedient. When Cordelia is obedient her mother controls her (body, voice, etc.) except for her eyes. After arriving at the Squire’s manor, Cordelia learns that Ellen’s father, Edward Parker, is in jail for murdering his family with an axe and that Falada is not her friend but is her mother’s familiar.

“A rich man, she’d always said. Not a young man.”

“Madam.” He frowned at her. “I am a butler. Do you truly believe that I do not know how to dispatch a houseguest if required?”

In the end, Cordelia et al defeat her mother and all live happily ever after. No surprise twists here.

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