1. Sterile Stomach: Until the 20th century, the stomach was considered too acidic to support life. No microbes could survive there.
2. Evil Stomach: Helicobacter pylori live in the stomach and cause ulcers and gastritis. A Nobel prize was awarded for this discovery in 2005.
3. Good Stomach: H pylori have coevolved with homo sapiens and protect us from obesity, asthma, heartburn, and possibly ASD, peanut allergies, celiac disease, diabetes, and several sudden death scenarios.
Missing Microbes by Martin Blaser
We published these ideas and the supporting evidence in ... a well-respected journal, but the article received very little attention--another big yawn.This book and The Pied Pipers of Autism: How Television,Video and Toys cause ASD
Both books are really addressed to policy makers with suggestions to reduce the use of antibiotics or personal electronics. A hard sell for sure, and with the primary impacted people "yawning," the authors can't fail to let some of their frustration show in their writing.
Still, an educated public should take the time to read both books.
Missing Microbes by Martin Blaser
Blaser is also clear that there is no simple answer to the issues he raises. One one hand antibiotics have saved countless lives since the wide-spread use of penicillin began over 70 years ago. However, over these years we seem to have exchanged one set of health problems for another.
Anyone interested in either the health of their children or the children across the world should read this book.
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