"Welcome Baby Hope" is the story of Baby Hope's journey from her mother's death during her birth, through the child services bureaucracy as an HIV orphan, to her glorious victory as a modern medical miracle.
This inexplicably-titled
Nameless, Blameless Reproduction by JACH MD
is a wonderfully written novel, first in the voice the Hope's new mother who attended her C-section birth, and then the voice of her new uncle who happens to be gay. Much of the narrative is educational --- HIV treatments, adoption procedures, stem cell technology, ... --- but the narrative is so engaging that these long section of explanation do not slow the story or bore the reader.
Whether you are just interested in the plight of Baby Hope or want to know more about adoption and stem cell therapy, this is the book for you. Simply excellent.
I won a copy of this book in a Goodreads First Reads giveaway on December 1, 2013. I received the book on December 9, 2013.
Awesome, glad you liked the book!
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