The reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I included such modern innovations as the dismantling of the public safety net for the poor and sick, along with restricting opportunities for education of those who could not afford the cost. Of course there were no public schools or hospitals, or unemployment insurance in the 16th century. These functions belonged to the (Roman Catholic) church, which had been performing these functions admirably for centuries until King Henry VIII closed and confiscated church properties and institutions to fund the crown and benefit his friends.
During this time, while the gap between the rich and the poor widened, the poor were no longer the responsibility of society, but people to be scorned and punished. Those out of work were branded V (for vagrant), and if this didn't convince them to get a job in a declining economy, anyone could collect them and brand them S (for slave) and put them to work.
Throughout this period, anyone who disagreed with the King or Queen and their cronies, could be accused to being unpatriotic and executed - literally thousands. It was a crime to have different religious beliefs than the government approved. During this time torture was justified to track down enemies of the state. Taxes were cut for the rich and the economy suffered. Foreign wars were started and the debt increased.
However, the most sobering thought is that this period has been seen as a golden age leaving one to wonder what will be taught in charter schools a hundred years from now. G J Meyer's The Tudors: The Complete Story of England's Most Notorious Dynasty
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