If you didn't just love the Economics courses you took in college, or if you didn't take any Economics courses in college, you can safely skip this one ... otherwise the graphs were scintillating and the time lines can keep you up at night. ROFL.
Here's what I read today.
"Want a nut." Alex was obviously getting more than a little frustrated. ... He looked at me and said slowly, "Want a nut. Nnn ... uh ... tuh."A wonderfully written book about animal intelligence and science. I can not recommend it more highly.
I was stunned. It was as if he were saying, Hey stupid, do I have to spell it out for you?
The chant of the goddess Pedestriana is a parody of the wonderful poem 'Brahma' by Ralph Waldo Emerson, but of course you knew that anyway.Or it might be just plain fantasy with its orcs, goblins, and magic and such. But, Science Fiction? The only hint at SF is Discworld, a place that is certainly not earth and might not even share the same laws of Physics, not that Terry Pratchett would feel much allegiance to any Laws of Physics, or any other laws, for that matter.